Özek, Asal, İnsan ve At (2003)

Özek, Asal, İnsan ve At (2003)
Form of publication
Exhibition Catalogue

Halil Özek, Şehrazat Karagöz, Rahmi Asal et al., Doğada güç birlikteliği: İnsan ve At (Sakıp Sabancı Müzesi, İstanbul 2003)

Collective work
ISBN 975-8362-25-9

“Partnership of Power: Man and Horse” was the title of the exhibition organized jointly by the Istanbul Archaeological Museums and the Sabancı University Sakıp Sabancı Museum (SSM) in 2003. A selection of about forty marble reliefs, most of them funerary stelai, dating from the Hellenistic, Roman and Early Byzantine periods, was presented at the SSM Altıköşk, in Emirgan.

This is the Catalogue in Turkish (Texts pp. 4-23, Catalogue pp. 23-99) with an English Summary of the texts pp. 100-115. Total pages 116, soft cover.

Key words-
Archaeological Museum of Istanbul.
Asia Minor / Asian Turkey.
Constantinople / Polis / Istanbul.
Early Byzantine period.
Funerary stele.
Hellenistic period.
Horse, horses.
Horse-rider / Rider, riders.
Inscription / inscriptions.
Roman period, Imperial age.
Sea of Marmara / Propontis.