SNG vol. IX, I: Black Sea (1993)

SNG vol. IX, I: Black Sea (1993)
Form of publication

Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, The British Museum Part I: The Black Sea, Martin Price (ed.), vol. IX The British Museum 1 Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, (Published under the auspices of the British Academy for the Trustees of the British Museum by British Museum Press, London 1993)

Collective work
ISBN 0 7141 0872 3

The publication of the Numismatic Collection from the Greek cities of the Black Sea is the first of a three-volume contribution of the British Museum to the series Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum.

Contents: Preface. Abbreviations. Map: The Mints of the Black Sea Region.

Catalogue – Plates (ο Κατάλογος αποτελείται από τις φωτ των νομισμάτων δεξιά και τα στοιχεία τους αριστερά, δίχως σελιδαρίθμηση)

Byzantium [Byzantion] plates I-IV; Calchedon, Bithynia plates IV-VI;

Apollonia, Pontica plates VI-VII; Callatis plates VII-VIII; Dionysopolis plate VIII; Istrus [Istria] plates VIII-IX; Mesembria plate X; Odessus plates X-XI; Tomis plate XI; Kings of Thrace XI-XII plates XI-XII, Tyra plate XII; Scythian Kings plate XIII; Olbia [Olvia] plates XIII-XXVIII; Cercinitis [Kerkinitis] plate XXVIII; Chersonesus plates XXVIII-XXXII; Nymphaeum plate XXXII; Panticapeum plates XXXII-XXXVI; Theodosia plate XXXVII; Uncertain of Bosporus and Pontus plate XXXVII; Gorgippia plate XXXVII; Phanagoria plate XXXVII;

Colchis and Dioscurias plate XXXVIII;

Pontus (Mithridates Kings) plates XXXVIII-XXXIX; Amaseia plate XXXIX; Amisus plates XL-XLV; Cabeira [ΚΑΒΗΡΩΝ] plate XLVI; Chabacta [ΧΑΒΑΝΤΩΝ] plates XLVI; Comana, Gazura [etc.] plates XLVII- XLVIII; Trapezus plate XLVIII;

Paphlagonia: Amastris plates XLVIII-XLIX; Cromna plates XLIX-L; Sesamus plate L; Sinope plates L-LVII; Kings of Paphlagonia plate LVII;

North Bithynia: Bithynium and Dia plate LVII; Heracleia Pontica plates LVII-LIX; Tius [Tieion] plate LIX. Indexes.

Key words-
Amissos / Samsun.
Ancient Greek cities.
Animal, animals.
Apollo, god.
Apollonia / Sozopolis / Sozopol.
Artemis, goddess.
Athena, goddess.
Black Sea, Turkish coast.
Black Sea, west coast.
British Museum.
Byzantion, city-state.
Chersonessos Taurica / Cherson.
Cimmerian Bosporos / Straits of Kerch.
Coin, coins.
Doric city-states in the Black Sea.
Euxine Pontus / Black Sea.
Greek antiquity.
Greek mythology.
Hera, goddess.
Heracleia Pontica / Herakleia Pontike / Karadeniz Ereğlisi.
Horse, horses.
Inscription / inscriptions.
Ionian city-states.
Istria / Istriopolis.
Kadıköy / Chalcedon.
Kerch / Pantikapaion.
Kingdom of the Bosphorus / Azov.
Mesembria / Nesebâr.
Mithridates of Pontus.
Musical instruments, antiquity.
Mythological creature.
Olbia, ancient city.
Paphlagonia, Asian Turkey.
Pontus / Pontos.
Sea of Azov.
Sinope / Sinop.
Weapons, arms.
Western Pontos / Pontus.