Neils, Dunn (eds), The Horse in Ancient Athens / Το άλογο στην αρχαία Αθήνα (2022-2023)

Neils, Dunn (eds), The Horse in Ancient Athens / Το άλογο στην αρχαία Αθήνα (2022-2023)
Form of publication
Exhibition Catalogue

Amanda Ball, Jeffrey Banks, Shannon M. Dunn, Jenifer Neils, Olga Palagia / Όλγα Παάγγιά, Rebecca A. Salem, et al Hippos / Ίππος. The Horse in Ancient Athens / Το άλογο στην αρχαία Αθήνα, Jenifer Neils and Shannon M. Dunn (eds), Maria Michalarou, Ioanna Damanaki (transl), (American School of Classical Studies at Athens / Αμερικανική Σχολή Κλασικών Σπουδών, Melissa publishing house / Εκδ. οίκος Μέλισσα, Athens / Αθήνα 2023)

Collective work
ISBN: 978-960-99945-6-9

“Hippos delves deeply into all aspects of ancient Athenian horsemanship, from the scientific analysis of a horse skeleton recently excavated at Phaleron [near Athens] to the roles of horses in Greek religion. Major discussion is devoted to hippotrophia, the training of equines, their competitive activities in horse racing, and their important role in the cavalry. This richly illustrated book consists of over 40 short essays on diverse topics such as the practices for naming of Athenian horses, their appearance on the city’s coinage, the make-up of a chariot, the advice of the Athenian calvary commander Xenophon, the cavalry inspection, and the possible appearance of horses on the Greek stage.

This bilingual volume [published in 2023] is the result of an exhibition held at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens in 2022. All of the objects in the exhibit are included, from small silver coins to large marble memorials for slain cavalry officers. Many of the artifacts documenting the Athenian cavalry come from wells in the Athenian Agora. Horse racing was a passion of all Greeks, but only Athens had a hero (Hippothoon) suckled by a mare. This book makes clear that hippomania was rampant in ancient Athens, just as Aristophanes implied in his comedies.”

Total pages 288 (28 X 21)
Key words-
Acropolis of Athens.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens / ASCSA.
Ancient Athens.
Ancient Greek sources.
Archaic period.
Athena, goddess.
Ceramics / pottery.
Ceramics, Archaic period.
Chariot races.
Classical period.
Costume / clothing.
Geometric period.
Horse harness.
Horse, horses.
Horse, mythology.
Horse-rider / Rider, riders.
Horses, horse burials.
Photographic archives.
Poseidon, god.
Sports events / Athletic events.
Xenophon, Athenian general.