Ράφτης, Ο κόσμος του ελληνικού χορού (1985)
Άλκης Ράφτης, Ο κόσμος του ελληνικού χορού, (Εκδόσεις Πολύτυπο, Αθήνα 1985)
Alkis Raftis, The World of Greek Dance (1985)
This is a stimulating and comprehensive study of the social and historical context and practice of Greek dance. Dr Raftis informs the reader about the backround of Greek dance, the circumstances under which people dance, the accompanying music and musicians and the study of dance. (From the English summary at the end of the book)
The book is in Greek. At the end of the book there is a part in English: Contents p. 240-241, The author p. 242, English Summary p.243-244. Total pages 248 (17x24), paperback.