Kyriakides, Modern Greek Folklore (1968)

Kyriakides, Modern Greek Folklore (1968)
Form of publication

Stilpon P. Kyriakides, Two studies of Modern Greek Folklore, Robert A. Georges, Aristotle A. Katranides (trnsl.), (Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki 1968)

Collective work

The book consists of two studies from Professor Stilpon Kyriakides. The first, Modern Greek Folklore. Folk Poetry, Folk Religion and Folk Art with references to German Folklore, originally published in 1936, is an address which Professor Kyriakides delivered in Munich, Berlin and Dresden. In this brief survey Professor Kyriakides provides a representative sampling of the various types of Modern Greek folk poetry, describes in considerable detail the ancient folk beliefs and customs which persist among the populace and comments briefly on the need to collest folk art. Numerous comparisons are made with German folk culture. The original title in German is the following: Neugriechishe Volkskunde: Volksdichtung, Volksglaube, Volkskunst.
The second study, titled The Language and Folk Culture of Modern Greece, first published in 1946, is a short history of the development and continuity of language, custom and belief. A survey of Modern Greek dialects early in the study sheds considerable light on the historical backround of the Greek diglossia; and innumerable comparisons made by Professor Kyriakides between ancient and modern Greek folk cultures provide a firm scholarly foundation for the assessment of traditional behavior in its proper cultural-historical framework. The original title of the study in Greek is as follows: Γλώσσα και λαϊκός πολιτισμός των νεωτέρων Ελλήνων. (From the Ιntroduction)

Total pages 148 (17x24 cm).

Key words
Greece, modern.
Greek language.
Manners and customs.
Popular traditions.