Χατζησάββας, Ελιά και λάδι (2008)

Χατζησάββας, Ελιά και λάδι (2008)
Form of publication

Σοφοκλής Χατζησάββας, Η ελιά και το λάδι στον αρχαίο ελληνικό κόσμο (Πολιτιστικό Ίδρυμα Ομίλου Πειραιώς (ΠΙΟΠ), Αθήνα 2008)

ISBN 978-960-244-113-8
Sophokles Hatzisavvas, Olive and oil in the Greek world (in Greek). Archaeological study of the history of olive cultivation and its technological development from the Prehistoric to the early Byzantine period in the Hellenic world and Middle East, with many examples from Cyprus. Maps, many color photographs, plans and excellent drawings of olive presses and other mechanisms used in the processing of olives. Bibliography, pp 140-144. Total pages, 148.
Key words-
Aegean, olive tree.
Agrarian economy.
Agrarian society.
Ancient Athens.
Ancient Cyprus.
Ancient Eretria.
Ancient Grecce.
Ancient Greek economy.
Ancient Macedonia.
Ancient Peloponnese.
Ancient technology.
Animal-powered facilities.
Athens, Roman period.
Benizelos house, Athens.
Benizelos, family.
Byzantine industrial facilities.
Culinary culture.
Early Byzantine Cyprus.
Early Byzantine Syria.
Eastern Mediterranean, olive cultivation.
Historical geography.
Maresha, olive.
Minoan Crete.
Museum of the Olive.
Mycenean Greece.
Olive cultivation.
Olive grove.
Olive oil.
Olive oil production.
Olive press.
Olive production.
Olive tree.
Olive-growing centers.
Prehistoric Cyprus.
Prehistoric farming.
Prehistoric Middle East.
Prehistoric Syria.
Production facilities.
Ras Shamra / Ugarit.
Roman Crete.
Western Mediterranean.
Wild olive tree.