Κανδηλώρος, Γρηγόριος Ε΄ (1921)

Κανδηλώρος, Γρηγόριος Ε΄ (1921)
Form of publication

Τάκης Χ. Κανδηλώρος, Γρηγόριος Ε΄ σειρά Βιβλιοθήκη Κανδηλώρου 1 (Ιδιωτική έκδοση, 2η έκδ. Αθήνα 1921)

First edition
Title of first edition
Η ιστορία του εθνομάρτυρος Γρηγορίου του Ε΄
Publisher of first edition
(Τυπ. Ευστρατιάδου-Δελή,
Place of publication of first edition
Date of publication of first edition

Takis C. Kandeloros, Gregory V (in Greek). Historical monograph about the life and deeds of the national martyr, Gregory V, Patriarch of Constantinople. In the second edition 16 pages have been added concerning the foundation of the Kandeloros Library and the institution of a Historical Competition, with the documents the antiquarian writer Kandeloros deposited at the Philosophical School of the University of Athens in 1920 and the School’s positive response (pp. γ΄ - ιδ΄).

Table of Contents, p. ιε΄. Short Bibliography, p. ιστ΄. Extensive biography (quoting patriarchal letters and other primary sources), pp. 1-288. The 1921 edition commemorated the centennial of the hanging of Gregory V on 10/4/1821. Total pages, 304.

Key words
Ecclesiastical history.
Ecumenical Patriarchate.
Gregorios V, Ecumenical Patriarch.
Holy Mountain / Mount Athos / Hagion Oros.
Late Ottoman period.
Middle Ottoman period.
Ottoman Empire.
Ottoman period.
Smyrna / İzmir.