Göskoy, «Blakherna ya da Ayvansaray» Haliç (2004)

Göskoy, «Blakherna ya da Ayvansaray» Haliç (2004)
Form of publication
Article from a Book

Hasan Ali Göskoy, «Haliç Kıyısında Bir Kayıp Şehir: Blakherna ya da Ayvansaray» Haliç (2004) pp. 87-98

Scholarly article (in Turkish) entitled “A lost city on the shore of the Golden Horn: Vlacherna, or Ayvansaray”. The article is published among the Acts of the Symposium “The Golden Horn of yesterday and today” which took place on 22-23 May 2003 in area of Cibali in Istanbul, sponsored by the Kadir Has Üniversitesi. It refers very briefly to the Byzantine history of the area and the few Byzantine remains (pp. 87-90). Phot material (BW) on pp. 92-98.
Key words-
Byzantine emperors.
Byzantine monuments.
Byzantine sources.
Golden Horn.
Old City, Istanbul.
Palace, palaces.