[Geography / Place]

directly related directly and broadly associated
Eusebius of Caesarea, Vita Constantini ISTANBUL
Evans, Justinian (1996) ISTANBUL
Evans, Wixom (eds), Glory of Byzantium (1997) ISTANBUL
Evans, Ιουστινιανός (1999) ISTANBUL
Freely, Bosphorus (1993) ISTANBUL
Freely, Istanbul (BG 2000) ISTANBUL
Gesta Francorum (1987) ISTANBUL
Gilles, Constantinople (2008) ISTANBUL
Goodwin, Ottoman Architecture (1971) ISTANBUL
Goodwin, Ottoman Empire (1999) ISTANBUL
Grabar, L’âge d’or de Justinien (1966) ISTANBUL
Haldon, Byz. Wars (2001) ISTANBUL
Harrell, Tours Near Istanbul vol. ΙΙ (1978) ISTANBUL
Hinterland (Variorum 1995) ISTANBUL
Houmanidis, Byzantine Commerce (1968) ISTANBUL
Hussey, Orthodox Church (1986) ISTANBUL
İnalcık, Renda (eds), Ottoman Civilization vol 1 (2004) ISTANBUL
İnalcık, Renda (eds), Ottoman Civilization vol 2 (2004) ISTANBUL
İstanbul Ansiklopedisi (1993-94) ISTANBUL
Janin, Constantinople (1964) ISTANBUL
Janin, Églises et monastères (1975) ISTANBUL
Janin, Géographie (1969) ISTANBUL
Jenkins, Imperial Centuries 610-1071 (1987) ISTANBUL
Kaldellis, The New Roman Empire (2023) ISTANBUL
Kazhdan, Epstein, Change in Byzantine Culture in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries (1985) ISTANBUL
Kazhdan, Epstein, Αλλαγές στον Βυζαντινό Πολιτισμό 11ος-12ος αι. (1997) ISTANBUL
Kazhdan, Βυζαντινή Λογοτεχνία (2008) ISTANBUL
Kekaumenos, Strategikon ISTANBUL
Kılıçkaya, Churches of Istanbul (2008) ISTANBUL
Kislinger, «Τρώγοντας και πίνοντας» (2005) ISTANBUL
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