Municipality of Bakırköy
[Geography / Place]

directly related directly and broadly associated
[Geography / Place]
Municipality of Bakırköy
Byzantine Cistern ‘Fildamı’
[Buildings, Commercial Activity / Infrastructure] - [Cistern / Reservoir]
Municipality of Bakırköy
[Geography / Place]
Municipality of Bakırköy
Rosary Catholic Church / Notre Dame de Rosarie
[Religious Monument] - [Ecclesiastical Complex]
Municipality of Bakırköy > Bakırköy
St George in Bakirköy, eccl. complex
[Christian Orthodox Monument] - [Ecclesiastical complex]
Municipality of Bakırköy > Bakırköy
St George in Bakirköy, church
[Christian Orthodox Monument] - [Parish Church]
Municipality of Bakırköy > Bakırköy > St George in Bakirköy, eccl. complex
St Stephen in Yeşilköy, eccl. complex
[Christian Orthodox Monument] - [Ecclesiastical complex]
Municipality of Bakırköy > Yeşilköy
Surp Stepanos of the Armenians
[Religious Monument] - [Ecclesiastical Complex]
Municipality of Bakırköy > Yeşilköy
St Stephen in Yeşilköy, church
[Christian Orthodox Monument] - [Parish Church]
Municipality of Bakırköy > Yeşilköy > St Stephen in Yeşilköy, eccl. complex
St Stephan in Yeşilköy, 1995 (Insc. A.PAN. 14)
Municipality of Bakırköy > Yeşilköy > St Stephen in Yeşilköy, eccl. complex > St Stephen in Yeşilköy, church
Church Arm. St. Stephen
[Religious Monument] - [Church]
Municipality of Bakırköy > Yeşilköy > Surp Stepanos of the Armenians