[Geography / Place]

directly related directly and broadly associated
Meyendorff, Byzantium and the Rise of Russia (1989) Chersonesos - Cherson
Muratova, «The Archaeological Site of Cherson» Αρχείον Πόντου 35 (1979) Chersonesos - Cherson
ODB I-III (1991) Chersonesos - Cherson
Posamentir, Polychrome Stelai (2011) Chersonesos - Cherson
Sharp, Middle Byzantine Structures on the Black Sea Littoral (2010) Chersonesos - Cherson
Smedley, «Archaeology and History of Cherson» Αρχείον Πόντου 35 (1979) Chersonesos - Cherson
Walter, «Saint Clement in the Chersonese» Αρχείον Πόντου 35 (1979) Chersonesos - Cherson
Yashaeva (ed), Byzantine Cherson (2011) Chersonesos - Cherson
Ι Ε Ε  τ. Η΄  Μεσοβυζαντινοί Χρόνοι, 642-1071 (1979) Chersonesos - Cherson
Andrews, «Moscow and the Crimea in the 13th to 15th C.» Αρχείον Πόντου 35 (1979) Crimea
Aradzhioni, Ethnographic Museum (2012) Crimea
Ascherson, Black Sea (1995) Crimea
Ashla, Τα Μαριουπολίτικα, Τραγούδια (1994) Crimea
Babaie, Gibson (eds), The Mercantile Effect. Art and Exchange in the Islamicate World (2018) Crimea  
Bakhchisaray (2011) Crimea
Balard, «Les Génois en Crimée aux XIIIe-XIVe siècles» Αρχείον Πόντου 35 (1979) Crimea
Bratianu, Le commerce Génois dans la Mer Noire (1929) Crimea
Euripides, Iphigenia Taurica Crimea
Gail, Géographie de la Chersonèse (1824) Crimea
Greek Colonies in the Black Sea vol I, vol II (2003) Crimea  
Jenkins (ed), Porphyrogenitus, Administrando II Com. (1962) Crimea
Koromila, The Greeks and the Black Sea (2002) Crimea  
Lattimore, “The Nomads and South Russia”, Αρχείον Πόντου 35 (1979) Crimea
Moravcsik (ed.), Porphyrogenitus, Administrando I (DOT 1, 1967) Crimea  
Nesbitt, Oikonomides (eds), Byzantine Seals, vol 1 (1991) Crimea  
Obolensky, Byzantine Commonwealth (1982) Crimea
Obolensky, «The Crimea and the North before 1204» Αρχείον Πόντου 35 (1979) Crimea
Pratikakis, Photos of Crimea and Constantinople (2013) Crimea
Samoylova (ed.), Greek Sites in Crimea (2004) Crimea
Sellier, Atlas des peuples d’Orient (2007) Crimea  
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