Καρατζά, Ακσεράι Γκέλβερι (Καρβάλη) (1985)

Καρατζά, Ακσεράι Γκέλβερι (Καρβάλη) (1985)
Form of publication

Ελένη Σ. Καρατζά, Καππαδοκία. Ο τελευταίος ελληνισμός της περιφέρειας Ακσεράι Γκέλβερι (Καρβάλης) (Εκδόσεις «Γνώση», Αθήνα 1985)


Helen Karatzas, Cappadokia. The Last Hellenism of the Region of Gregory of Nazianzus Akseray – Ghelveri (Carbala) [in greek].

This book attempts to give a picture of the life and development of the late Hellenism during the period of about 150 years before 1924 – a period for which the existing sources are more abundant and reliable. It also attempts, whilst describing the area and its Greek and Turkish localities, to present certain aspects of its history prior to that period, with special emphasis on St. Gregory of Nazianzus whose legend is still alive amidst both Greek and Turks.
More specifically, this book presents the large and important village of Ghelveri and its evolution over the 19th century, where the general conditions were greatly improved for the Christian populations who were finally given a breathing space after a long-drawn period of clandestine existence. Total pages 394.

Key words
Eastern Macedonia.
Exchangeable populations.
Gelveri / Güzelyurt.
Gregory of Nazianzos.
Late Ottoman period.
Traditional professions.