Mamaloukos, “Middle and Late Byzantine Church Architecture in the Periphery of Constantinople” in Μνήμη Χ. Μπούρα vol. II (2018)

Mamaloukos, “Middle and Late Byzantine Church Architecture in the Periphery of Constantinople” in Μνήμη Χ. Μπούρα vol. II (2018)
Form of publication
Article from a Book

Stavros Mamaloukos, “Middle and Late Byzantine Church Architecture in the Periphery of Constantinople” II, Ήρως Κτίστης. Μνήμη Χαράλαμπου Μπούρα (Εκδοτικός οίκος Μέλισσα, Αθήνα 2018) 97-124

ISBN (Τόμος II) 978 960 204 375 2
Key words-
Adrianople / Edirne.
Ainos / Enez.
Byzantine church construction.
Byzantine monuments.
Churches - mosques.
Eastern Thrace / European Turkey.
Iznik / Nicaea.
Late Byzantine period.
Middle Byzantine period.
Plans, elevations.
Propontis / Sea of Marmara.
Prussa / Bursa.
Selymbria / Selybria / Selyvria / Silivri.
Vize / Vizye / Bizye.