Kalopissi-Verti, “Thirteenth C. Painting in Kalyvia and Omorphi Ekklesia in Attica” (2021)

Kalopissi-Verti, “Thirteenth C. Painting in Kalyvia and Omorphi Ekklesia in Attica” (2021)
Form of publication
Article from a Periodical

Sophia Kalopissi-Verti, “Thirteenth Century Painting in the Lordship of Athens: The Cases of Hagios Petros in Kalyvia Kouvara and the Omorphi Ekklesia at Galatsi. Some New Thoughts” ΙV, XI Arte medievale (Sapienza Università di Roma, Roma 2021)

Collective work
ISSN: 0393-7267
Paper read in the Convegno Internazionale Incontri Meditarrenei. Arte e artisti tra Bizanzio e l’Occidente dopo la Quarta Crociata (1204-1430), organized by the Sapienza Università di Roma and the Real Academia de Espaňa in Rome 26-27 September 2019. The paper is published in the annual magazine of the University Sapienza of Rome Arte medievale ΙV, XI (2021) pp. 59-78
Key words
Late Byzantine period.
Michael Choniates / Michael Acominatus.
Wall painting / Mural painting.