Αιλιανός, Προσάρτηση Θεσσαλίας και Ηπείρου (1988)

Αιλιανός, Προσάρτηση Θεσσαλίας και Ηπείρου (1988)
Form of publication

Κωνσταντίνος Ι. Αιλιανός, Η Αυστρο-Ουγγαρία και η προσάρτηση της Θεσσαλίας και της Ηπείρου (1878-1881) (Ίδρυμα Μελετών Χερσονήσου του Αίμου, αρ. έκδ. 218, Θεσσαλονίκη 1988)

ISBN 978-000-7387-236
Konstantinos I. Ailianos, Austro-Hungary and the annexation of Thessaly and Epirus (1878-1881) (in Greek). Diplomatic history, 19th c. Historical monograph. Research in state archives in Austria, Montenegro, Turkey and Greece. Prologue by Professor Emmanuel Roukounas. Two inset maps showing the boundaries between Greece and the Ottoman Empire under negotiation at that time and as they appeared after the changes made on 24/5/1881. Biographical index of both major and minor figures (mainly politicians and diplomats), pp 207-210; summary in German, pp 217-226, and in French, pp 227-235. Bibliography, pp 211-216. Total pages, 236.
Key words
Abdülhamid II.
Benjamin Disraeli.
Bismarck, Otto.
Congress of Berlin, 1878.
Cretan Question.
Eastern Question.
Epirus / Epiros.
Greece, 19th c.
Ignatieff, Nicolai Pavlovich.
Ignatiev, Count Nikolai Pavlovich Ignatiev.
Karathodori, Alexandros.
Koumoundouros, Alexander, politician.
Modern Diplomacy.
Northern Thrace / Eastern Romelia.
Ottoman Balkans.
Ottoman Empire, 19th c..
Ottoman period.
Russian Empire, 19th c.
Thessaly 1878-1881.
Treaty of San Stephano, 1878.