Koromila, Odysseus (1994)
Marianna Koromila, In the Trail of Odysseus, Nigel Clive (tr) (Michael Russell Publishing Ltd, Norwich 1994)
First edition
The novel is about the adventurous life story of a man born in 1899 in a fishing village of Eastern Thrace (then part of the Ottoman Empire which after the Balkan Wars was given to Bulgaria together with ten other villages and towns in the Region of Agathoupolis / Achtopol). His biography is set in its broader historical context of the first half of the twentieth century in the Balkans and the Black Sea by M. Koromila.
Introduction: Patrick Leigh Fermor pp. VII-X. Eight-page inset between pp. 118 and 119 with a map and BW archival photos. Total pages I-X and 1-150.
The book is translated from the Greek: Κορομηλά, Ευτυχισμένος που έκανε το ταξίδι του Οδυσσέα [Happy he, who like Ulysses, made a lovely journey] (first published by the Panorama Cultural Society, Athens 1988, revised and enlarged edition Agra, Athens 2005) with many maps and illustrations which were not used in the English edition.