Ερμιτάζ / Hermitage (2004)

Ερμιτάζ / Hermitage (2004)
Form of publication
Photographic Album

Λιουντμίλα Νταβίντοβα / Liudmila Davydova, Γιούρι Πιάτνιτσκι / Yuri Piatnitsky et al., Μουσείο Ερμιτάζ της Αγίας Πετρούπολης. / The Hermitage Museum of St Petersburg. Οι ελληνικοί θησαυροί / The Greek Treasures Μιχαήλ Πιοτρόφσκι (επιστ. επιμ.) / Mikhail Piotrovsky (ed.), Από τα ρωσικά στα ελληνικά: Όλγα Πατρουνόβα (μτφρ.) / Olga Patrunova (tr.). Από τα ρωσικά στα αγγλικά: Τάνια Κάντζιου (μτφρ.) / Tania Kantziou (tr.), Τζούντυ Γιαννακοπούλου (μτφρ.) / Judy Giannakopoulou (tr.) (Εκδόσεις Έφεσος, Αθήνα 2004)

Collective work
ISBN 960-8326-10-9

This is a bilingual publication in the form of a Catalogue (in Greek and English) with selected works of ancient Greek and Byzantine art, jewelry, coins and icons at the Hermitage Museum.

Contents (we mention only the English translation): Introductory Note by the Director of the State Hermitage Museum, Professor Mikhail Piotrovsky p 9.

Chapter A. ‘Monumental Art of Ancient Greece’: 1. Liudmila Davydova, ‘The Hermitage: The History of the Museum’ pp 13-25. 2. L. Davydova, ‘Antiquities in the Hermitage: The History of the Collection’ pp. 27-33. 3. L. Davydova, Alexander Kruglov, ‘Sculpture’ pp 35-51. 4. Liubov Utkina, ‘Greek Painted Vases’ pp 53-73. 5. Elena Khodza ‘Terracotta Statuettes’ pp 75-81. 6. Nadezhda Gulyaeva, ‘Greek Bronze Sculptures in the Hermitage’ pp 83-93. 7. Oleg Neverov, ‘Engraved Gems’ pp 95-103. 9. Yuri Dyukov, ‘Ancient Greek Coins’ pp 105-114.

Chapter B. ‘The Art of the Northern Black Sea Region’: 1. Yuri Kalashnik, ‘Northern Black Sea Antiquities’ pp 117-121. 2. Yu. Kalashnik, ‘Greeks in the Northern Black Sea Region’ pp 123-138. 3. Andrey Alexeyev, ‘Scythians in the Northern Black Sea Region’ pp 139-176. 4. L. Davydova, ‘Sculpture of the Northern Black Sea Region’ pp 177-183. 5. Yu. Kalashnik, ‘Jewellery’ pp 185-198. 6. Yu. Dyukov, ‘Coins of the Cities of the Northern Black Sea Region’ pp 199-201. 7. Vera Zalesskaya, ‘Cherson Art in the Middle Ages’ pp 203-217. 8. Vera Guruliova, ‘Coins of Medieval Cherson’ pp 219-221.

Chapter C. ‘The Art of Cyprus’: 1. Anastasia Bukina, ‘The Art of Ancient Cyprus’ pp 225-241. 2. Yu. Dyukov, V. Guruliova, Tatiana Slepova ‘Coins of Ancient Cyprus’ pp 243-249. 3. Yuri Piatnitsky, ‘Monuments of Medieval Cyprus’ pp 251-269. Δ. ‘Masterpieces of Byzantine Art’: 1. Yu. Piatnitsky, ‘History of the Collection’ pp 275-287. 2. V. Zalesskaya, ‘Applied Art’ pp 289-307. 3. Yu. Piatnitsky, ‘Icon Painting’ pp 309-327. 4. V. Guruliova, ‘Coins’ pp 329-333.

Rich photographic material (Color photos) accompanies the text. Photographers: Leonard Heyfets, Yuri Molodkovets, Vladimir Terebenin. There is no bibliography and index. Total pages 336 (hard cover).

Key words
Ancient Greek cities.
Ancient Greek gods.
Ancient Greek sculpture.
Ancient Greek trade.
Archaic period.
Attic vases.
Byzantine art.
Byzantine Constantinople.
Byzantine minor arts.
Byzantine period.
Ceramics / pottery.
Chersonessos / Cherson / Sebastopol.
Classical period.
Coin, coins.
Corininthian vases.
Euxine Pontus / Black Sea.
Greek antiquity.
Greek colonies.
Greek mythology.
Hellenistic period.
Hermitage, museum.
Holy Mountain / Mount Athos / Hagion Oros.
Horse, horses.
Iconographic art.
Kerch / Pantikapaion.
Portable icon.
Precious stones.
Sea of Azov.
Tomb, funeral monument.