Çipof, «İstanbul Bulgar Ortodoks Cemaati ve Sveti Stefan Kilisesi» Haliç (2004)

Çipof, «İstanbul Bulgar Ortodoks Cemaati ve Sveti Stefan Kilisesi» Haliç (2004)
Form of publication
Article from a Book

Bojidar Çipof, «İstanbul Bulgar Ortodoks Cemaati ve Sveti Stefan (Demir) Kilisesi» Haliç (2004) pp. 503-519

Scholarly communication (in Turkish) entitled “The Bulgarian Orthodox Community of Constantinople and the church of St Stephan (Sveti Stefan)”. The article is published among the Acts of the Symposium “The Golden Horn of yesterday and today” which took place on 22-23 May 2003 in the area of Cibali in Istanbul, sponsored by the Kadir Has Üniversitesi. The author investigates the history of the Bulgarian Community until its separation from the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the foundation of the Bulgarian Exarchate and the church of St Stephan of the Bulgarians on the Golden Horn, almost on the doorstep of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the Phanar, as well as the development of relations between the two Churches up till settlement of outstanding issues after the fall of the authoritarian regime in Bulgaria. The text, pp. 503-515, is accompanied by phot of documents, pp. 516-519, including a bilingual Baptism Certificate from the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Greek and Russian.
Key words
Balat, neighborhood.
Bartholomew, Ecumenical Patriarch.
Bogoridis Stefan / Steafanaki Paşa.
Bulgaria, 19th c.
Bulgaria, Communist period.
Bulgarian Orthodox Church.
Bulgarian Parish of Istanbul.
Ethnocentric ideology.
Fener, neighborhood.
Golden Horn.
Istanbul, Orthodox churches.
Old City, Istanbul.
Stephen, protomartyr, saint.