Κοροβίνης, ’55 (2012)
Θωμάς Κοροβίνης, ’55 (Εκδόσεις Άγρα, Αθήνα 2012)
Thomas Korovinis, ‘55 [in Greek] is a novel written almost sixty years after the September 1955 Turkish pogrom against the Rum – the Greek Orthodox minority of Istanbul.
The main theme is the life of Marika, a Greek middle-lower class woman from Tatavla / modern Kurtuluş the par excellence Greek neighborhood of old Constantinople / modern Istanbul. But Korovinis goes far beyond the adventures of a single person: he describes the whole city, her atmosphere (which is vanishing), her cosmopolitan character given by the main non-Muslim communities (Greeks, Jews and Armenians), her beauties and her secrets. It is a sort of biography of this great city while everything is changing in our days. Total pages, 454.