[Geography / Place]

directly related directly and broadly associated
Arrianus, Alexandri anabasis Tomb of Cyrus II the Great
Barrington Atlas, Directory (2000) Fars
Barrington Atlas, Maps (2000) Fars
Bowersock, Brown, Grabar (eds), Late Antiquity (2000) Fars
Bury, History of Greece (1970) Fars
Cambridge Ancient History  vol. XII, AD 193-324 (CAH 1939) Naqsh-e Rajab
Cambridge History of Islam vol. IA (CAH 1980) Yazd Province
Darbandi, Zournatzi (eds), Ancient Greece and Ancient Iran (2008) Fars
Dutz, Matheson, Parsa (2000) Persepolis
Fowden, Empire to Commonwealth (1994) Fars
Frye, Golden Age of Persia (1993) Fars
Hakhnazarian, Nor-Djulfa (1992) Julfa
Herodotus, Historiae Naqsh-e Rostam, Ach. 01: Tomb of Darius I
Jorgensen, Ice Houses of Iran (2012) Yazd Province
Koromila, The Greeks and the Black Sea (2002) The Procession of tributary peoples bringing gifts
Mehr, Zoroastrian Tradition (2003) Yazd Province
Melikian-Chirvani, L’Art safavide (2007) Isfahan
Millar, Roman Empire and its Neighbours (1981) Naqsh-e Rajab
ODB I-III (1991) Royal Necropolis of Naqsh-e Rostam
Rawlinson, Seventh Monarchy (1876) Fars
Robinson, Islamic World (1982) Isfahan
Sasanian Era (2008) Sasanid Palace of Firuzabad
Xenophon, Cyropaedia Tomb of Cyrus II the Great
Αναστάσιος, Ισλάμ (2006) ‘Wheel of martyrdom’ in Fahadan
Μιρμίρογλου, Οι Δερβίσσαι (1940, φωτοτ. ανατ. 1989) CENTRAL IRAN
Πάρκερ, Οι Πέρσες (2017) Fars
Πίκουλας, Αλέξανδρος ο Μέγας (2019) Persepolis
Ταβερνιέ, Τουρκία και Περσία τ. α΄ (1992) Isfahan
Ταβερνιέ, Τουρκία και Περσία τ. β΄ (1992) Isfahan