Κορομηλά, Μαύρη Θάλασσα (2001)

A balance represents the largest unit of weight in Linear B Script (of the Mycenaean period)
A steamship and a 'caique' on the Bosphoros (1900) Βόσπορος
Amazonomachy: a mounted Amazon attacking a Greek warrior Νότια πλευρά της Μαύρης Θάλασσας – Ασιατική Τουρκία
Athena's shield
Black Sea caique or kakarinos, by Photis Kontoglou Μαύρη Θάλασσα
Bronze medallion from Roman Philippopolis: «ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ ΠΟΛΕΩΣ»
Celtic bronze figurine (h. 7.5 cm.), 3rd c. BC ΟΥΚΡΑΝΙΑ
Columns of the main temple in the Sanctuary of Zeus Polieus in Istria (Black Sea coast of Romania)
Contract of Société d’Héraclée with the companies Georgandis Bros and Canacaris, 1935 Νότια πλευρά της Μαύρης Θάλασσας – Ασιατική Τουρκία
From the myths of the Bosphoros and the Argonauts’ Expedition: Fleeing Harpies, detail Βόσπορος
Graffito of two-masted vessel of the 14th c. on the outside wall of the apse of the Hagia Sophia church in Trebizond Μαύρη Θάλασσα
Head of of a griffin from ancient Miletos Μαύρη Θάλασσα
Headless statue of goddess (Demeter?) Επαρχία Βιζύης
Hellenistic Pantikapaion: reconstruction of the buildings on the acropolis facing the straits of Kerch Αζοφική
Herakles and the three-headed Κerberos, detail Νότια πλευρά της Μαύρης Θάλασσας – Ασιατική Τουρκία
Hercules and the cattle of Geryones, detail of a black-figure archaic amphora Μαύρη Θάλασσα
Huts of Archaic Olbia, c. 500 BC (hypothetical restoration drawing) Μαύρη Θάλασσα
Kromna, 1897
Mesembria (late 19th c.)
Mesembria from the sea (drawing by Photis Kontoglou)
Middle Danube: The Iron Gates in 1935 Δούναβης ποταμός
Mycenaean (?) anchor from the west of the Black Sea (14th-12th c. BC)
Mycenaean swords from excavations in the Carpathian Mountains Μαύρη Θάλασσα
Myceneaean tablet (b) from Pylos with a balance in the center
On board the Russian guard-ship 'Colchis' Μαύρη Θάλασσα
Pyramidal anchor (5th c. BC)
Rumeli Hisarı / Castle of Rumeli, engraving (1838) Βόσπορος
Scythian archer on ancient athenian vase, 525-520 BC Αζοφική
Silver coin of Classical Mesembria Black Sea
The "Anastasia", a 900 ton barque (1898) Μαύρη Θάλασσα
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