Βρυώνης, Η παρακμή του Ελληνισμού (1996)
Σπύρος Βρυώνης, Η παρακμή του μεσαιωνικού ελληνισμού της Μικράς Ασίας και η διαδικασία του εξισλαμισμού 11ος - 15ος αιώνας Κάτια Γαλαταριώτου (μτφρ) (Μορφωτικό Ίδρυμα Εθνικής Τραπέζης, Αθήνα 1996)
First edition
Speros Vryonis, Jr., The Decline of Medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor and the Process of Islamization from the Eleventh through the Fifteenth Centuries (first English edition 1971; second English edition 1986) in Greek published by MIET (Athens 1996).
This study is the basic work about the Byzantine East and the Christians on this period of transition when the Seljuk Turks and the nomads of Turkic origin settle in the western most part of NW Asia (the peninsula between the Black Sea, the Aegean and the East Mediterranean known as Asia Minor – modern Asian Turkey or Anatolia). Despite the fact that it was written half a century ago, it will remain invaluable for much time to come. For the English edition see: Vryonis, Decline (1986)