[Geography / Place]

directly related directly and broadly associated
Koder, «Καθημερινή διατροφή στο Βυζάντιο» (2005) ISTANBUL
Köker (ed), Armenians vol. I (2010) ISTANBUL  
Kostenec, Öner, Byzantium (2007) ISTANBUL
Krautheimer, Architecture (1986) ISTANBUL
Krautheimer, Αρχιτεκτονική (1998) ISTANBUL
Kritoboulos, History ISTANBUL
Kuban, Istanbul (1996) ISTANBUL
Laiou, «Byzantine Economy» DOP 34-35 (1980-1) ISTANBUL
Laiou, Mottahedeh (eds), The Crusades from the Perspective of Byzantium and the Muslim World (2001) ISTANBUL
Lefort, «Les communications entre Constantinople et la Bithynie», Hinterland (Variorum 1995) ISTANBUL
Leo the Deacon, History ISTANBUL
Leo VI, Book of the Eparch ISTANBUL
Lieu, Montserrat (eds), From Constantine to Julian (1996) ISTANBUL
Loukopoulou, Thrace propontique (1989) ISTANBUL
Magdalino, Constantinople Médiévale (1996) ISTANBUL
Magdalino, Μανουήλ Α΄ Κομνηνός (2008) ISTANBUL
Maguire, “Images of Food” Βυζαντινών Διατροφή / Food in Byzantium  (2005) ISTANBUL
Majeska, Russian Travellers to Constantinople (1984) ISTANBUL
Mamboury, Istanbul (1951) ISTANBUL
Mango (ed), Byzantium (2002) ISTANBUL
Mango (ed.) Nikephoros Short History DOT 10 (1990) ISTANBUL
Mango, Byzantine Architecture (1976) ISTANBUL
Mango, Dévéloppement (1990) ISTANBUL
Mango, Scott (eds), The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor (1999) ISTANBUL
Mango, “Water” Hinterland (Variorum 1995) ISTANBUL
Mango, Βυζάντιο. Η αυτοκρατορία της Νέας Ρώμης (1988) ISTANBUL
Mansel, Constantinople (1997) ISTANBUL
Mansel, Κωνσταντινούπολη (1999) ISTANBUL
Marinis, Architecture in the churches of Constantinople (2014) ISTANBUL
Marmara, İstanbul Latin Kilisesi (2006) ISTANBUL
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