[Geography / Place]

directly related directly and broadly associated
Aravantinos, Thebes (2010) GREECE
Asdracha, La Région des Rhodopes aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles (1976) Region of East Macedonia and Thrace
Ayverdi, Avrupa’da Osmanlı Mimari Eserleri IV (1982) GREECE  
Babaie, Gibson (eds), The Mercantile Effect. Art and Exchange in the Islamicate World (2018) THESSALY
Bakirtzis (ed.), First Int. Symposium for Thracians Studies vol. I (1989) Region of East Macedonia and Thrace
Bakirtzis (ed.), First Int. Symposium for Thracians Studies vol. IΙ (1989) Region of East Macedonia and Thrace
Baltrusch, Σπάρτη (2004) Laconia
Bartholdy, Ταξιδιωτικές εντυπώσεις από την Ελλάδα (1993) GREECE
Beaton, Greece (2020) GREECE
Benbassa, Rodrigue, Histoire des sépharades (2002) Region of East Macedonia and Thrace
Boardman (εκδ.), Ελλάδα και ελληνιστικός κόσμος (1996) GREECE
Boardman, The Greeks Overseas (1980) GREECE
Bowra, Landmarks in Greek Literature (1968) GREECE

Bowra, Αρχαία ελληνική λυρική ποίηση τ. Α΄ (1980)

Bury, History of Greece (1970) GREECE
Cambridge Ancient History  vol. XII, AD 193-324 (CAH 1939) GREECE
Cameron, Η αξία του Βυζαντίου (2017) GREECE
Casson, Macedonia, Thrace, Illyria (1926) Region of East Macedonia and Thrace
Chatzidakis, Mystras (1981) Mistra / Mystras
Clark, Twice a Stanger (2006) GREECE
Clark, Δυο φορές ξένος (2007) GREECE
Dakin, The Unification of Greece, 1770-1923 (1972) GREECE
Dakin, Ο Αγώνας για την Ανεξαρτησία (1989) GREECE
Delamotte, Βαρδαλά - Θεοδώρου, Κοχύλια από τις ελληνικές θάλασσες (2008) GREECE
Dimopoulou - Rethemiotaki, Museum of Herakleion (2005) GREECE
Eydoux, Châteaux (1982) Mistra / Mystras
Graves, Greek Myths vol. Ι (1974) GREECE
Graves, Greek Myths vol. ΙI (1974) GREECE
Hadjimihali, La sculpture sur bois (1950) GREECE
Harris, Flora Graeca (2009) GREECE
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