Svolopoulos (ed.), Greece and Great Britain during World War I (1985)

Svolopoulos (ed.), Greece and Great Britain during World War I (1985)
Μορφή Εντύπου / Δημοσιεύματος
Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου

R. Clogg, D. Dakin, C. M. Woodhouse, et al., Greece and Great Britain during World War I. First Symposium Organized in Thessaloniki (December 15-17, 1983) by the Institute for Balkan Studies in Thessaloniki and King’s College in London Constantinos Svolopoulos (ed), (Institute for Balkan Studies, no. 202, Thessaloniki 1985)

Λέξεις - κλειδιά
Ελλάδα, σύγχρονη.